We like to think it’s the Kids First Mission, “To develop happy, healthy, responsible children.”
We like to think it’s because they belong to an amazing team of personalities who specialize in “doing good things for kids.”
And, we like to think that in all the world, there’s no place like Kids First, not just for kids and families, but for employees as well.
Kids First is ALWAYS looking for exceptional people.
We diligently follow our 7 Hiring Mantras in our quest to employ the very best.
#1 - Hire the character, train the skill.
#2 - We shall go short staffed before we go poorly staffed.
#3 - When in doubt, do not hire.
#4 - Adopt a recruiting mentality - remain in hiring mode 24/7/365.
#5 - Expect to be underwhelmed and hire only those who WOW you (let go of good, hold out for great).
#6 - Train and lead in a manner so you can hire and promote from within.
#7 - When you realize a hiring mistake, act swiftly, remembering your duty is to do the greatest good for the greatest number.
At Kids First you can be assured, every Kids First employee has been thoroughly interviewed, assessed, and trained in the Company values (The Kids First 26 Points)
You will find no better educators, hospitality team and mentors anywhere!
How do you become one the Kids FIrst Team?
Submit an online application to our Human Resources Deptartment.
©2024 All Rights Reserved | KIDS FIRST TOO | Where Kids LOVE to Learn!